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François Vallotton & Anne-Katrin Weber

Towards an Expanded History of Television

Vallotton, François; Weber, Ann-Katrin: Towards an Expanded History of Television, 2021 (Living Books About History). Online: <https://www.livingbooksabouthistory.ch/en/book/towards-an-expanded-history-of-television>.


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Bourdon, Jérôme: Is the End of Television Coming to an End?, in: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 7 (13), 16.05.2018, S. 80–95. Online: <https://doi.org/10.18146/2213-0969.2018.jethc144>.
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Galili, Doron: Tom Swift’s Three Inventions of Television: Media History and the Technological Imaginary, in: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 4 (7), 09.09.2015, S. 54–67. Online: <https://doi.org/10.18146/2213-0969.2015.jethc081>.
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Weber, Anne-Katrin: Television as new media: Raymond-Millet’s ‘Télévision: Oeil de Demain’ (1947) and the politics of French experimental TV, in: NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies 8 (1), 2019, S. 69–89. Online: <https://doi.org/10.25969/mediarep/4188>.
Sconce, Jeffrey: Stasis, in: Berton, Mireille; Weber, Anne-Katrin (Hg.): La télévision du téléphonoscope à youtube: pour une archéologie de l’audiovision, Lausanne 2009.
Thibault, Ghislain: Streaming: A Media Hydrography of Televisual Flows, in: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 4 (7), 09.09.2015, S. 110–119. Online: <https://doi.org/10.18146/2213-0969.2015.jethc085>.
Koszarski, Richard; Galili, Doron: Television in the Cinema Before 1939. An International Annotated Database, with an Introduction by Richard Koszarski, in: Journal of e-Media Studies 5 (1), 2016. Online: <https://doi.org/10.1349/PS1.1938-6060.A.471>, Stand: 27.07.2021.


Mills, Mara: The Audiovisual Telephone. A Brief History, in: Keazor, Henry; Giessen, Hans W.; Wübbena, Thorsten (Hg.): Zur ästhetischen Umsetzung von Musikvideos im Kontext von Handhelds, 2012, S. 34–47. Online: <https://doi.org/10.11588/ARTDOK.00002016>, Stand: 27.07.2021.
Weber, Anne-Katrin: Recording on Film, Transmitting by Signals. The Intermediate Film System and Television’s Hybridity in the Interwar Period, in: Grey Room (56), 01.07.2014, S. 6–33. Online: <https://people.unil.ch/annekatrinweber/files/2018/05/Recording_on_Film_Transmitting_by_Signal.pdf>.
Hughes, Kit: Record/Film/Book/Interactive TV. EVR as a Threshold Format, in: Television & New Media 17 (1), 01.01.2016, S. 44–61. Online: <http://livingbookabouthistory.org/uploads/media/section/0001/01/ab66ac366149df1dbd2851ac7d4a544dae1a6a6b.pdf>.
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Parks, Lisa: Earth Observation and Signal Territories: Studying U.S. Broadcast Infrastructure through Historical Network Maps, Google Earth, and Fieldwork, in: Canadian Journal of Communication 38 (3), 14.09.2013. Online: <https://doi.org/10.22230/cjc.2013v38n3a2736>, Stand: 28.07.2021.
Weber, Anne-Katrin: dronetv.lu, <https://dronetv.lu/en>, Stand: 28.07.2021.


McCarthy, Anna: From Screen to Site: Television’s Material Culture, and Its Place, in: October (98), 01.10.2001, S. 93–111. Online: <http://livingbookabouthistory.org/uploads/media/section/0001/01/16fceeee30d0d073b90765c9000bdfc2e297139c.pdf>.
Duccini, Hélène: Histoire d’une illusion. La télévision scolaire de 1945 à 1985, in: Le Temps des medias n° 21 (2), 2013, S. 122–133.Online: <https://www.cairn.info/revue-le-temps-des-medias-2013-2-page-122.htm>, Stand: 28.07.2021.
Wagman, Ira: Tele-clubs and European Television History Beyond the Screen, in: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture 1 (2), 29.11.2012, S. 118–128. Online: <>.
Paulsen, Kris: Half-Inch Revolution, in: Amodern 2, 10.2013. Online: <https://amodern.net/article/half-inch-revolution/>, Stand: 28.07.2021.
Åhlén, David Rynell: Modern Art as Media Event. Early Swedish Television and the Communication of Art Appreciation, the Case of «Multikonst» (1967), in: Journal of e-Media Studies 5 (1), 2016. Online: <https://doi.org/10.1349/PS1.1938-6060.A.457>, Stand: 28.07.2021.
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Teaching (with) Television

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Vallotton, François; Valsangiacomo, Nelly: L’audiovisuel dans l’auditoire. L’intégration des sources radiophoniques et télévisées au sein de l’enseignement académique, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte = Revue suisse d’histoire = Rivista storica svizzera 60, 2010, S. 33–43. Online: <https://doi.org/10.5169/SEALS-109692>.
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Vallotton, François; Weber, Anne-Katrin: Au-delà du service public – Pour une histoire élargie de la télévision en Suisse, 1960-2000, <https://wp.unil.ch/tvelargie/>, Stand: 28.07.2021.